Vaginal tear in a ewe; post prolapse
Keywords: ovine, ewe, sheep, prolapse, vagina, retainer, rupture, pregnancyImage size: 1037 x 691px
Sequel to the use of a retaining device (upper left in the image) used to keep vaginal mucosa in-situ after returning it to the pelvis. The inset image shows the pregnant uterus within the abdomen.
Below; the location and size of the tear in the vagina:
Image size: 869 x 792px
Plastic devices are often used to retain vaginal mucosa in the vaginal lumen after late gestation vaginal prolapse. Pressure from the cranial edge of the device will occasionally cause pressure necrosis of the cranial vaginal, allowing evisceration to occur. Death follows rapidly.
To prevent this problem, this author uses epidural anesthesia followed by a Buhner-type closure. Farmers who cannot avail themselves of this treatment and are forced to use these devices, should probably thicken the cranial edge of the device by whatever means possible. Alternatively, special "prolapse trusses" (commercially available) can be used.